You approach an unmarked road to find... The Blog


I guess this blog entry should serve as some variety of an introduction. So far, just friends and maybe some mutuals from other social media have found this place I'm guessing. But in case you have naturally come across this poor pathetic blog here's a little about me!

I previously published research in an accessible format on Tumblr and used the platform as a way to make free versions of the research I do for conferences and papers. After the heavily pro-Zionist movements from Tumblr and a slew of other issues I've had with the site for years, I decided to close my account. I'm currently working on creating back-ups of my posts on this website, but it will be some time before that is possible.

I am planning to use this website for blogging and spreading information again but also just as my own little niche online. I'm actually at a crossroads right now where I am deciding if I am going to pursue my PhD or leave academia (at the 4-year level) altogether. I am leaning towards the latter haha

This year, aftering submitting my master's thesis, I picked up crocheting which has consumed most of my time of late. I am currently working on a teddy bear sweater! I will definitely be posting crafting updates as they come. I also love indie video games and horror movies so who knows maybe I'll start posting about that sort of thing too!

For now, as I have mentioned, I am still VERY new to this whole thing. So please be patient as I made improvements to the blog and other areas of the website. For now, I do not have the ability to accept comments on the blog but I do have this contact form you can fill out here. Do not worry about using your real name I'm not your mom also the email can be fake too I don't care. Just know that the form "filters" spam so there's a chance that will keep it from working.