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Welcome to the year of the vibe


Okay yeah so maybe I did do the whole 'get a website up an running only to forget about it' ADHD thing we all do. What about it?

Anyway, there is no pressure for me on this front, genuinely. I have been contemplating my plans for the year and the future at large and I have realized that I really don't have the desire to make "content" nor to "consume" not in the way SocietyTM wants me to. I have been sprinting for over 10 years now to nail down my Thing, the Thing that will propel me through the rest of my life. I have been monetizing my creativity and thoughts at every turn and you know where it got me? I burned out twice before the age of 30!

So now I'm looking at my life for what feels like the first time. I'm turning 28 in 3ish months and I'm moving across the country to (maybe) a permanent place, and I've graduated my master's program so I'm really at an actual moment where I can evaluate things for myself. And what do I want to do with the rest of my years? I don't know! And I don't think I should have to know!!!

In 2024 I am taking on a one-year long forced respite. I am relaxing, I am vibing, I have set rules for myself which are as follows:

  • 1. No research, no conferences, and no academic publishing until 2025
  • 2. Write more poetry again, work on creative writing, and maybe sumbit to a few creative journals.
  • 3. Make crafts when I want to, don't worry about it if I don't
  • 4. Get off of as much social media as I healthily can.
  • 5. Once we move find some things that make me happy in my new town.

And really that is it, I am not allowed to stress about shit that doesn't matter. I spent so much time over the years running the rat race of likes and follows, of making everything content, and of chasing a "dream job" where I could propel myself forward. And the capitalism of it all has really eaten me alive! So to hell with all of that, I'm vibing this year!