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5 more months


My year of the vibe is going sooooooooo well I am really enjoying literally not caring about anything actually. I am hoping to get into more website updates soon, especially because I've been doing more css work for my job so I can actually apply those skills here! For now I just feel like blogging and I am not putting pressure on myself to be perfect here! Win of the month is that I have officially deleted my Twitter and my Tiktok so I am really healing now.

One thing that is really harshing my ability to simply vibe is simply where I am living. I moved to New England almost 2 years ago now, I'm from the Best Coast I mean the West Coast originally. I know it was like good for me or whatever to try living other places a bit before just deciding to stay "home" but my god. It really is exhausting to live somewhere you truly hate. There is more or less nothing I enjoy out here and it has impacted all aspects of my life. My health, my mental health, my motivation, everything is just bleh because of how oppressive the air alone here is. But in 5 months I'm done I get to go back. I am trying to be more positive and looking more toward the future so in the spirit of doing so I am sharing 5 things I am looking forward to doing once I reach my new/old home:

  • 1. Growing mushrooms! I keep seeing all these funky little videos or posts of people growing mushrooms. I know this is something that's fairly popular where I'm moving to so I hope to get to do that later this year! I want fungus dudes in buckets...
  • 2. Not seeing Dunkin Donuts ever again! I cannot sum up how disgusting I think Dunkin is... and out here there is 0 and I truly mean 0 good coffee. There are no Dunkins for hundreds of miles where I am moving, peace at last.
  • 3. Almond blossom season. I am extremely allergic to almond blossoms, they make me so fucking sick. And you know what? Not having them around actually sucks more. They are the bright light of Spring, the beginning of warmth returning to the Earth. I am legitimately depressed not being around phases of different tree blossoms to tell the seasons.
  • 4. Vegetables and fruit, fresh produce. When I was a kid my family had to make me eat meat/bread/eggs etc. I hated it and I just begged to eat raw fruits and veggies all day every day. I guess it was because the produce was so so so good. I miss strawberry stands and apricot trees, I miss avocados that are less than $1 each and broccoli flowers.
  • 5. Theatre. I know, I live where there is so much theatre all the time. But the vibes of Broadway-centered theatre are..... so different than West Coast theatres. I sound so pretenious but it's the opposite. I miss theatre where nobody cares how popular it and everyone is just excited to create things together. I miss a Shakespeare theatre being the most famous theatre for 200 miles.

Thinking about where we're moving makes me so happy. It's true you need to go pretty far to realize what you have/had. But man I can't wait to stick my feet in the ice cold Pacific Ocean again. I also can't wait to get away from Boston accents or whatever the godforsaken New England dialect is. No more Cumberlands please.

For now I will keep looking forward and keep making things that bring me joy. I'm starting a new crochet project today, more details later probably!