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Two. Months. Later.


Now I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. But I had hoped to post something every month of this year to try and help myself get in the swing of documenting things. However, as we can all see, that did not happen. Oh well! Onto the post anyway!

In what feels like both two seconds and two centuries, time has passed and we are now even closer to our moving day. After a lot of consideration of where to go we have ultimately, finally, chosen a final location (ish). At least we have the metro-area selected, final location TBD dependant on housing but we have a PLACE to head to. So now we have things like hotels, moving equipment, and the like reserved and ready for the 3,000 mile trek back across the United States. Only 9 weeks left but who is counting, right?

Heading back to California is something I hadn't really thought long about but man living in not-California has sucked so much! I thought it would feel like defeat but it actually feels kind of nice. Lee has only been to California to visit me once and it was to pack up and drive to Indiana together. Now that it's us moving back together it feels like such a fun opportunity to take Lee to all the things I love in the area and it's making me learn about new things I never knew about. I'm really hoping this sticks at least for a few years because I'm tired of moving so far and so often. But time will tell!

I'm not sure if I will post much before the move but I certainly will update once we've finished the trip!

Til next time! I'm going back to drowing in cardboard boxes.